
We keep members informed by our newsletter which is produced every 3 months and is sent out to members by email. For members who don’t have an email address or who struggle to read it on screen, we produce a number of printed copies which are available to pick up at the open meetings and are sent out by post. It includes notifications from the committee and contributions from group facilitators about group activities. There is also a community notices section which provides information not related to our u3a.

The updated groups list is also sent out at the same time, and printed copies of this are also available at the open meetings.

Notices are produced monthly which is emailed out to members at the beginning of each month. This provides up to date brief notices about the speaker, group activities, events and any other general notification. We call this the “Rolling Notices” as this is displayed in the main church at the open meetings, and each slide rolls through to the next as it’s displayed.

Other u3a news and announcements are generally made by email only.

CLICK HERE to see the special 10th Anniversary Issue

For the latest editions of the newsletter click below:

For the National u3a newsletter archive CLICK THIS LINK – you can sign up to receive newsletters for yourself on this webpage.